Canine DNA Test
Canine DNA test analyzes the genotypes of microsatellite markers (MS markers) present in dog chromosomes
to identify dog individuals and pedigree.
Canine DNA Test
Canine DNA test analyzes the genotypes of microsatellite markers (MS markers) present in dog chromosomes
to identify dog individuals and pedigree.
DNA is a genetic substance that carries genetic information. All dogs inherit DNA from the bred dogs, and have DNA genotype, which is a unique genetic pattern that differentiates them from other dogs.Canine DNA test identifies the DNA identity by examining whether the DNA genotypes match each other through genotype analysis in dog samples. Canine DNA test is a biological offspring test that uses genetic characteristics to determine whether the genotypes of the paternal and maternal dogs that are bred match the genotypes of the offspring that was born. Dow Gene DNA Testing Company analyzes and identifies 10 loci recommended by the American Kennel Club (AKC).
Blood, meat, hair roots, saliva, serum, etc.
DNA analysis of dog samples proves to be of the same object if all genotypes match in all loci tested.