Porcine DNA Test
Porcine DNA test is a test that analyzes the genotypes of microsatellite markers (MS markers) present in pig chromosomes to identify pig individuals and pedigree.
Porcine DNA Test
Porcine DNA test is a test that analyzes the genotypes of microsatellite markers (MS markers) present in pig chromosomes to identify pig individuals and pedigree.
Porcine DNA test enables species identification and biological offspring identification of pigs by using DNA markers consisting of highly identifiable microsatellite markers (MS markers).Dow Gene DNA Testing Company has developed a testing method to identify pigs by applying the gene identification method to pigs. Individual pigs can be identified and traceability of domestic pigs are possible through the porcine DNA test.Dow Gene DNA Testing Company performs pig identification and biological offspring tests in compliance with the International Foundation for Animal Genetics (ISAG) guidelines.
Blood, meat, hair roots, saliva, serum, etc.
DNA analysis of pig samples proves to be of the same object if all genotypes match in all loci tested. However, if one or more genes show discrepancies, it indicates that they belong to different individuals.