Bone DNA test

This test analyzes DNA in bone to enable a paternity test and blood relation test.

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    Principles of Test

DNA is a genetic substance that carries genetic information. Everyone inherits DNA from their parents and has a DNA profile, which is a unique genetic pattern that distinguishes each other. Bone DNA test extracts DNA and reads the unique DNA profile from bone to confirm the paternity or blood relation. Dow Gene DNA Testing Company performs genetic tests based on the CODIS genetic marker, which is used by the US FBI. We are a KOLAS internationally accredited testing institution that has introduced the testing quality management system to ensure accurate quality control throughout our testing procedures.

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    Test specimen

Bone (thigh), tooth, etc.

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    Test Procedures
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    Test Results

Genotype is read from bone to enable a paternity test or blood relation test.

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    Sequencing analysis results from bone
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    Paternity test analysis results from bone

Dow Gene DNA Testing Company examines the locus of 16 to 24 STR genes, including sex chromosomes. If all the genotypes of the father or the mother and the genotypes of the child in the tested locus match, and if the probability of the biological father (mother) is 99.9% or over, the biological father (mother) is recognized. However, in case of inconsistencies in 1 or 2 loci, the possibility of mutation is examined.

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    Application of Bone Test
  • When you need to check the blood relation due to cemetery dispute
  • When you need to check the blood relation from a lost grave
  • When you need to check the blood relation in a grave for those without surviving family