Y-Chromosome DNA Test / Y-STR

Y-STR paternity test examines STR genes present in Y-chromosomes that are inherited from the grandfather to father, and from the father to the child to prove paternal blood relation of males.

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    Test Principles

Males have XY as sex chromosomes, of which the Y chromosomes exist only in men and are transferred from father to son.
Therefore, because all men in the same family have the same Y chromosome, a paternity test using the Y chromosome tests the specific STR gene markers present in the Y chromosome to prove the paternal relationship between males.
DowGene DNA Testing Company, an international KOLAS certified testing institution, introduced the test quality management system to accurately control the entire testing process.

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    Test specimen

Blood, hair, oral epithelium, saliva, bloodstain, toothbrush, fingernail, chewing gum, cigarette butt, etc.

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    Test Procedures
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    Test Results

DowGene DNA Testing Company examines a total of more than 17 Y-STR genes, and if all the tested Y-STR genes match, a paternal blood relationship is established. However, if more than one out of the three tested Y-STR genes shows discrepancies, then the paternal blood relationship will not be established and the possibility of mutations will be examined if only one mismatch.

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    Application of paternity test (Y-STR)
  • When proof of a paternal blood relationship, such as grandfather, grandson, and brother, is required in the case of absence of the biological father
  • When proof of a paternal blood relationship is required to correct the family registry
  • When proof of a paternal blood relationship is required to obtain nationality
  • When proof of a paternal blood relationship needs to be submitted to a public agency, etc.
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    Genetic test chart

Proof of paternal blood relationship within 8 degrees of kinship, such as brothers / grandfather and grandson / cousins